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Ofsted Reports

We're delighted that Ofsted visited Overton Playgroup in September 2022 and have once again rated the setting as Outstanding in all areas. This means that both of our settings now have the same high rating, as Overton Preschool is also rated by Ofsted as Outstanding.

What makes Overton Playgroup 'Outstanding'?


The latest Ofsted report for Overton Playgroup notes that:​


  • Children settle exceptionally quickly and are highly confident to communicate with others.

  • Children's behaviour is exemplary. They are able to share and cooperate with each other.

  • Children navigate outside play equipment with great skill... They show stability and confidence that is advanced for their age.

  • Children teach each other with enormous respect and value highly each other's ideas and choices.

  • All staff have very high aspirations for what children can achieve.

  • Staff involve children in reading as soon as they start at the setting. There are regular trips to the local library, where children develop a love of books.

  • High-quality teaching enables children to apply their existing knowledge to the learning. 

  • The highly experienced special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) excels in coordinating support... developing effective interventions that build on keen observations made by all staff. 

  • The manager and room leader are inspirational practitioners.

  • Parent partnerships are outstanding. For example, parent questionnaires are sent home every half term with learning journals that celebrate the achievements of the children.

  • A combination of song, sign and speech allows all children to flourish in whole- group activities and ensures all children are included.

What makes Overton Preschool 'Outstanding'?


The latest Ofsted report for Overton Playgroup notes that:​


  • The teaching is of a very high standard. Staff skilfully support and extend all children's learning.

  • Staff provide a highly stimulating environment to develop children's curiosity. For example, children show great interest as they grow and harvest herbs and vegetables, smell them and add them to their 'soups'. 

  • Children are well behaved and know safe and unsafe behaviours.

  • Teaching is highly effective and responsive to children's needs. Staff plan activities closely linked to children's interests, such as making rockets when the children have an interest in the stars. Staff use a variety of teaching methods to engage the children in activities, to ensure children make rapid progress.

  • Children are curious and motivated learners, and keen to join in with a wide range of activities. They confidently make independent choices and choose where they play. For example, they use real tools safely and persevere as they learn new skills, such as drilling holes in the pumpkin and using a hammer to bang in pegs.

  • Children concentrate well at their activities and develop strong literacy and mathematical skills.

  • Staff skilfully develop children's language, using group activities to introduce new vocabulary and the rhythm of talk and songs.

  • Each child's key person liaises very closely with parents about children's progress, which ensures parents feel valued and included in their children's learning.

  • Staff use an exceptional range of resources that actively challenges children's language development. 

  • The management team has an ambitious vision and high expectations, which support ongoing development to improve outcomes for every child. 

  • The staff are well qualified and they work well together in organising the provision to make sure it meets the needs of all children extremely well.

  • The staff team works exceptionally well with other professionals and it provides effective support to identify and address the children's needs. 

We are so proud that Overton Preschool Playgroup has been rated Outstanding by Ofsted at both the Preschool and Playgroup settings! 

View admissions information

Overton Community Centre
Winchester Street, Overton, RG25 3HS

Playgroup: 01256 770370
Preschool: 07718 424723

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